Employee Reward Programs: A Custom Article

Educate your customers with great ideas!
This detailed article is one prepared for Chuck Feldman with Promo Monster. He asked us to modify and utilize some of the text provided by iPROMOTEu’s marketing resources and create a well-worded article on his website. Chuck wanted to both educate his customers as well as provide great examples of employee reward programs.
Educating About Employee Appreciation Programs
This was a specific area Chuck wanted to help grow in his business. We explained different types of employee appreciation programs. View the article on his website.
In this case, Chuck asked us to add this great article to his Client Resource Center website, where he has more customizable product ideas and articles for his clients. This was useful for him, since he could provide great products and tips in a more curated way.
We can help add custom articles for you on your existing website or discuss the benefits of setting up a Client Resource Center website.
Appreciation is Important
This article reminds customers of why showing appreciation is important. Recognizing and rewarding employees for performance can reinforce employee motivation, retention, improved morale, and increased productivity.
Great Product Examples
We provided several great ideas like products for health and wellness programs, awards, and paperweights and other branded merchandise. Check out the products we recommended here in the article!
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